Inside the Bandon Vortex

The Cave of Life

Cave of Life
A moat guards the entrance to the Cave of Life, which provides 'safe' passage to Neptune's Lagoon. Your feet will get wet entering the cave. Wearing knee-high rubber boots is recommended.
Warning: Do not enter the Cave of Life at night.
Warning: Do not enter the Cave of Life in the fog.

Cave of Life
Inside the Cave of Life. Since the cave is completely submerged during high tide, living creatures cling to all surfaces, above and below. Don't step on a starfish.
Warning: Do not fall asleep inside the Cave of Life or you will drown when the tide comes back in.

Cave of Life
Inside the Cave of Life looking back at the entrance.

Cave of Life
When you reach the end of the cave you can observe Neptune's Lagoon.
Warning: Do not gaze into your own reflection.

ask mongo
Dear Mongo: Last year after I returned from the Cave of Life, my husband noticed that some wrinkles on my face had vanished, and that somehow I looked younger. So I told him to try it, and wouldn't you know that his bald spot disappeared. Now we enter the Cave of Life at every opportunity to maintain our health and youthfulness. No one believes us. Please don't reveal the healing and anti-aging properties of the Cave of Life. We don't want hundreds or maybe thousands of Fountain of Youth seekers flocking to Bandon every year, holding conventions and filling up all the hotel rooms and vacation rentals. Please keep it a secret.

Mongo: The truth must be revealed. Some claim to lose weight inside the cave. It has been claimed that Lord Bennett discovered this cave years ago, and is still alive today.

Lord Bennett
Lord Bennett is still alive.

Neptune's Lagoon

The Forbidden Cave

The Magic Cave

The Seven Sacred Secrets of Bandon